Saturday, October 31, 2015

Panoramic photography of World's Famous Cities - Panoramic-Photography

Panoramic Photography
Panoramic Photography

Panoramic photograph is a technique of photography, in this technique we use specialized equipment or
software, that captures images with elongated fields of view. It is sometimes known as wide format photography. The term has also been applied to a photograph that is cropped to a relatively wideaspect ratio. While there is no formal division between "wide-angle" and "panoramic" photography, "wide-angle" normally refers to a type of lens, but using this lens type does not necessarily make an image a panorama. An image made with an ultra wide-angle fisheye lens covering the normal film frame of 1:1.33 is not automatically considered to be a panorama. An image showing a field of view approximating, or greater than, that of the human eye – about 160° by 75° – may be termed panoramic. This generally means it has an aspect ratio of 2:1 or larger, the image being at least twice as wide as it is high. The resulting images take the form of a wide strip. Some panoramic images have aspect ratios of 4:1 and sometimes 10:1, covering fields of view of up to 360 degrees. Both the aspect ratio and coverage of field are important factors in defining a true panoramic image.
Panoramic photography
Panoramic photography
Panoramic photography
Panoramic photography

Panoramic photography
Panoramic photography
Panoramic photography
Panoramic photography
Panoramic photography
I hope you will enjoy this beautiful Panorama  Images. 

Want more Information about Panorama Photography?

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